Mean Median, and Mode with R, using Country-level IQ Estimates

Reusing the code posted for Correlations within with Hofstede's Cultural Values, Diversity, GINI, and IQ, the same data can be used for mean, median, and mode. Additionally, the summary function will return values in addition to mean and median, Min, Max, and quartile values:

Example Code

 oecdData <- read.table("OECD - Quality of Life.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",")  
 v1 <- oecdData$IQ  

 # Mean with na.rm = TRUE removed NULL avalues  
 mean(v1, na.rm = TRUE)  

 # Median with na.rm = TRUE removed NULL values  
 median(v1, na.rm = TRUE)  

 # Returns the same data as mean and median, but also includes distribution values:  
 # Min, Quartiles, and Max  

 # Mode does not exist in R, so we need to create a function  
 getmode <- function(v) {  
   uniqv <- unique(v)  
   uniqv[which.max(tabulate(match(v, uniqv)))]  

 #returns the mode  

Example Results

 > oecdData <- read.table("OECD - Quality of Life.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",")  
 + v1 <- oecdData$IQ  
 > mean(v1, na.rm = TRUE)  
 + # Median with na.rm = TRUE removed NULL values   
 + median(v1, na.rm = TRUE)  
 + # Returns the same data as mean and median, but also includes distribution values:   
 + # Min, Quartiles, and Max   
 + summary(v1)  
 + # Mode does not exist in R, so we need to create a function   
 + getmode <- function(v) {  
 +   uniqv <- unique(v)  
 +   uniqv[which.max(tabulate(match(v, uniqv)))]  
 + }  
 + #returns the mode   
 + getmode(v1)  
 [1] 99.27273  
 [1] 99.5  
   Min. 1st Qu. Median  Mean 3rd Qu.  Max.  NA's   
  92.00  98.00  99.50  99.27 101.80 106.00    3   
 [1] 98  

Sample Data
